CSS Specificity ExplainedIf you've ever ran into weird "unexplainable" styling issues, there's a high chance it was something regarding specificity. Specifi-what-ty? Specificity. Let's dive into it in this post.
How to create an email subscription form in NextJS, Netlify and MailerLiteBuilding a community is a really powerful tool to reach the people you want to reach. Creating an emailing list definitely helps with that. What makes this method really cool is the fact that it is completely free as we will use a very generous starter tier from Netlify and MailerLite.
Why I am building in publicAs scary as it is, building in public has many upsides to it. In the beginning it will be really uncomfortable, but as you will read in this article, many good things can come from building in public.
What tech stack is this blog using?This is the question many fellow tech nerds have been asking for many different websites. In this article you will read my answer to the question what stack this website is built on.
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